Long Term Care,.... think again !

Thought provoking considerations: 

Q.  Have you set aside the cost for unanticipated Long Term Care expenses?

Q.  Consider the monthly cost to be without a long term care expense policy?
Q. Where would you withdraw $48,000 [ "net after taxes" ] to pay for 1 years' long term care expenses?  

Q.  Would you as a “suddenly incapacitated person” prefer “long term care services” provided in your own home environment OR  be left to reside  daily in an unfamiliar home settin for a  traditional nursing home” if an unforseen event happen?

Q.  Is the idea of premiums set asise for Long Term Care expensea not very different than premiums set aside for unforseen dental and medical unplanned events?



Be informed:


Consider Long Term Care coverage while ....

It is more affordable to obtain and before the need arises while healthy.



Be Realistic about the affordability of "designated healthy adult children or a loved one" and their financial ability and work-life ability to care for a suddenly incapacited elder or loved one?

Take Action:

   Ask a large enough sample of our elderly:
   "Ask those affected by a Long Term Care illness.... if they knew......
they'd have a sudden change in health status?




Overcome the super human belief that no one ages:

Consider the personal experiences, emotional drama and physical energy expense from people who suddenly became care-givers"

Consider Sharing the Out of Pocket Expense of LTC from dependants who may benefit the most:

Is the out of pocket expense of a few hudred dollars premium monthly more preferable than the alternative to an unexpected and untimely depletion of savings and retirement accounts, with a minimum estimate of $2,000 per month (gross dollars)?


May we offer your family professional financial advisor led discussions amongst family members?  Would you be open to explore unforseen financial asset protection issues including generational wealth and the affordability of Long Term Care choices?  In contrast, would your family benefit for a planned discussion of which family members can contribute and are positioned to contribute iindividual assets to provide for unforseen financial cost and care if health issues happen within the family?

Be realistic, about your health and that you will age:

 It is hard to see ourselves as unable to do the activities of daily living.
However, the aging process has already begun:
 When was the last time you did a strenuous high school sports activity
Is this an indicator of  slowing mobility?

Consider Long Term Care coverage while ....

It is more affordable.

You're healthy.


Reliant Financial Group:

Reliant Financial Group for a quote.
 No obligation.


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